DLI 1-3

In this lesson, read through the information for each character. In your character notebook, draw a picture or cartoon of the story that will help you remember the character. Then take the quiz.


𠆢 + 一
umbrella + one

meet as one under the umbrella

fit [v.]
8 + 口
meeting + mouth

meeting of mouths, is it a good fit?

Alternatively: 𠆢 + 一 + 口 umbrella + one + "container" Can you fit an umbrella in one container?


now, *clock
8 + h
meeting + “hands of clock”

meeting at 6:45, now!


orders [n.], *alarm clock
今jīn + 丶
now/clock + drop

clock that orders you to be on time

grain modified

whole grain threshed into grains of rice

as a component: “米字旁”


一 + 米
one + rice

come one, come all, get your free rice

large, *large dog
人 + 一
person + “arms"

a person trying to make themself look large by spreading out their arms

When 大 appears as a component, it is often derived from 犬 dog, so in these cases we'll call it a "large dog" in our stories.

as a component: “大字旁” or “大字头”


一 + 大
ceiling + large

large person grows and grows until his head reaches the ceiling and then the heavens


knife modified

as a component: “立刀旁”

DLI 1-3


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