DLI 1-5

In this lesson, read through the information for each character. In your character notebook, draw a picture or cartoon of the story that will help you remember the character. Then take the quiz.

stuck, *boa
snake modified

boa’s meal gets stuck half-way

his-hers-its-theirs, *laundry basket
甘 + 一 + 八
basket + “base” + animal legs

a wicker basket with legs, divided into His, Hers, Theirs, for the laundry of different members of the family

halberd, *rifle
弋 + 丿
pistol + slash

part of the weapon series of components (derived from ancient weapons): 弋yì pistol, 戈gē rifle, 戋jiān machine gun, 戊wù cannon, 𢦏zái tank‍

the next step up in guns, used in the Revolutionary War

as a component: “戈字旁”


几 + 又
wind + right hand/again

A boomerang is a weapon thrown with the hand that flies like the wind and comes back again.

As a component: “殳字旁”


food modified

alenatively: 冖 + 𠄌 crown + plow, crown of the plow is food

as a component: “食字旁”


𠂆 + 又
drag + right hand

drag your right hand until you turn it over to the converse side

dragged to court to testify (with your right hand) converse to your will

sentence [n.]
勹 + 口
bound up + mouth

a sentence binds up what we say with a period


丶 + 日
drop + sun

a drop of sunshine: white light

as a component: “白字旁”


一 + 白bái
one + white

hair turns white at 100

Japanese call age 99 your "white year" because 100-1(百-一)=99(白)

DLI 1-5


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