DLI 4-8

In this lesson, read through the information for each character. In your character notebook, draw a picture or cartoon of the story that will help you remember the character. Then take the quiz.


ought to
广 + O
cave + owl

"Now the pet you ought to have in a cave is an owl. It wouldn’t bother you during the day and could hunt for you at night." (Hunter Gatherer)


讠 + 亥hài
microphone + acorn

through the microphone: You should all gather acorns before you leave the park, so no one trips, but leave them under the trees for the squirrels. OR You should all be feeding your pigs a supplement of acorns.

wash [v.]
氵 + 先xiān
water + first

wash with water first, then eat


move [v.]
云 + 力
cloud + muscle

a goddess moves the clouds with her muscles


讠 + 上shàng
microphone + above

in a microphone: “You must yield to the power above.”


finish [v.]
宀 + 元yuán
house + Adam & Eve/Yuan

Adam & Eve need Yuan to finish the purchase of their house.


just now
冈gāng + 刂
ridge + sword

They’ve just now come over the ridge, draw your swords!


*Eastern altar
altar modified

the strokes could represent a picture/statue on a shelf, a sash, an incense stick, a piece of fruit

as a component: “示字旁”

clothing modified

as a component: “衣字旁”

DLI 4-8


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