DLI5-17 (DLI 6 Components)

In this lesson, read through the information for each character. In your character notebook, draw a picture or cartoon of the story that will help you remember the character. Then take the quiz.


口 + 木
mouth + tree

sitting with mouth open on top of a tree watching the world go by

𠂇 + 巾
by one's side + towel

a cook or server with a cloth towel at their waist or over their arm

Father Damien, a man of the cloth, devoted his life to the leper settlement in Hawaii. He eventually caught leprosy and had to wrap himself in cloth.


eminent, *sun wizard
卜 + 早
magic wand + early/sunflower

An eminent sun wizard who uses a sunflower as his magic wand.


半 + \
half + line

half cut in half again


circumference, *lap
冂 + 土 + 口
hood + soil + mouth

as in “a lap around the track” (think of a week, also, as a lap)

At the end of the lap you throw down your hoodie on the soil and throw up, the same if you’ve had a hard week.


木 + 木
tree + tree

trees together are woods


DLI5-17 (DLI 6 Components)


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