clean the ice before the hockey contention
top hat on a literate gentleman farmer
alternative breakdown: 一+冂+丨+4丶 ceiling + hood + stick + 4 drops
component derivative: ⻗ *weather “雨字头“
as a component “几字旁”
component derived from: 风fēng wind/windstorm
Is your persona someone you could count on in times past for borrowing/loaning?
body part when on the left, moon when on the right
as a component: “月字旁”
derivative: 夕 *evening
eight can be /divided and /divided again
a spider has eight animal legs
as a component: “八字旁“ or ”八字头”
as a component: “小字旁”
component derivative: ⺌ “小字头”
modified version: 衤 ; derivatives: 𧘇 *scarf, *𧘇 *kerchief, 长 long
alternatively: 彳+一+丁 queue + one/ceiling + nail, queue at the hardware business to buy the one nail available
When this character separates its left and right halves and there is another component in the middle, we'll call it "boulevard."
ancient meaning of this character was "right hand", which it still retains as a component meaning
derivative: 乃 *fist
as a component: "又字旁"
as a component: “子字旁”
as a component: “干字旁”
In the movie Inside Out, emotions are stored in something like a computer.
alternative breakdown: 田+土 field + soil; anciently, a li was a measurement of distance one could use to measure a field
as a component: “里字旁”
show respect to the “you” from the heart
as a component: “马字旁”
If you have wool over your eyes, you might fall short of the next I-beam.
Picture a sheep trying to jump over an I-beam and falling short.
Take the end of a thread to summon a new friend in a get acquainted game.
as a component: “儿座底”
starting sound of nun
derivative: 灬 cooking fire
as a component: “火字旁”
grasp the boa with your hand to kill it
derivatives: 氵*water, 冫*ice, 氺 *snowflake
as a component: “水字旁”
Picture an old man as the proctor of the SAT exam--all he says is “5 minutes”
Old man Confucius scored a perfect 5 on the exam.
derivative: *经 *crane
as a component: “工字旁”
originally a picture of meat
alternative breakdown: 冂+人+人 hood + person + person
a person hanging in a meat locker with a hood over their head
as a component: “口字旁” or “口字底”
starting sound of boa
as a component: “女字旁”
alternative breakdowns: 冈gāng+乂 ridge + sheaf/X OR 冂+乂+乂 hood + sheaves
component modified version: 罒 “四字头”
as a component: “十字旁” or “十字头”
environmentalist demanding the rights of the trees
as a component: “日字旁”
gang in the south: drugs, hoods, money
modified component versions: 牜”牛字旁“ , ⺧ ”牛字头“
throwing rice on the bride from the second story of a wooden building
one of the four directions is 西 xī west
a picture of four vertical lines connected on the top
wake up from your siesta thirsty, need water
derivatives: 亻 *persona, 𠂉 *lying down
as a component: “人字头”
you can hold something when it fits in your hand
as a component: “横”
derivative: 㐄 *unicycle
as a component: “车字旁”
as a component: “木字旁”
Can you see the Arabic numeral 5 in this character? or an upside down 4 plus some
as a component: “山字旁” or “山字头”
as a component: ”手字旁“
modified versions: 扌“提手旁”、龵 “看字头”
derivatives: 开 *open hands, 廾 *two hands, 寸 *thumb
a hooded alien with an antenna who has to ask for orientation
as a component: “门字框”
it's not water in the whiskey bottle
the swaddling is completed when the arms of the child stay tucked in
top hats go out at six and return at eight
nine hooks into ten
picture of a seed on a plant
To our ancient ancestors, a star may have seemed like a seed of the sun.
magic wand hovering above the floor
Picture a magic wand hovering below the ceiling.
alternatively: 下 + 丿 below + slash
people sitting on the soil
Brigham Young, first governor of Utah, puts his stick in the soil and declares the Salt Lake Valley as “the place” for settlement.
The sun and the moon are the two bright things in the sky.
Saw away yesterday, tomorrow will be a brighter day.
leave a trail of footprints in the soil when you walk
as a component: “走字旁”
go to the monument on a soil path
Picture yourself at daybreak at the beach drawing this character in the sand with your feet.
alternatively: 日 + 下 + 人 sun + below + person The person is below the sun.
meeting at 6:45, now!
come one, come all, get your free rice
a person trying to make themself look large by spreading out their arms
When 大 appears as a component, it is often derived from 犬 dog, so in these cases we'll call it a "large dog" in our stories.
as a component: “大字旁” or “大字头”
large person grows and grows until his head reaches the ceiling and then the heavens
Every day at noon, you must lie down and give yourself a shot with a needle.
Sleep in till noon on New Year’s day, then start checking the boxes of your New Year’s resolutions.
a drop of sunshine: white light
as a component: “白字旁”
hair turns white at 100
Japanese call age 99 your "white year" because 100-1(百-一)=99(白)
empty whiskey bottle on the streets of the Wild West
point with a knife to that city (the other, the second)
ten thousand directions on a compass, moves by a drop
as a component: ”方字旁“
“I think I can, I think I can” Little Engine spitting nails
Your older sister (named Jenna?) has her shelf of books you can’t touch.
Picture your older brother doing the can-can.
males are more field power
fruit orchard: a field of trees
alternatively: 日+木 sun + tree, need sun to ripen the fruit on the trees
father whispering his baby's name at night
shouting names of kids to bring them home in evening
call out your name in the evening, so they know who is approaching
child practicing characters at home
express individual style through your umbrella: Gene Kelly “Singin’ in the Rain”
alternatively: 人 + 丨 person + stick: maybe you are counting people, maybe sticks
woman with her child is good
house on stilts with pigs underneath
you possess the body parts by your side
Despicable Me villain wants to possess the moon
John Swigert Jr. was one of the astronauts on the Apollo 13 moon mission.
“What in the world is going on here?” (when you see your persona with a needle)
Picture your persona: he is also covered with scorpions.
woman covered in scorpions named She
your persona finds her doppelganger (a person's look-alike) at the gate
Does your mama like horses?
Picture your papa, a father protecting his children from a boa.