a silver token makes the long wait for the stamped original immediate
get your printout stapled and stamped
sealed and notarized original of a willow tree ink painting
originally a picture of a Chinese chop
as a component: “单耳刀” or “单耳旁”
Your fate is sealed at the meeting when what is said is stamped officially.
you can listen to the chatter, but the real information is in the sealed and notarized original
defend the legal, notarized document on the floor of the court room
sealed envelope with stamped original inside (like a transcript)
You look up to your persona, so you would collect whatever she does.
hand flings copies of the original newspaper
Picture a stamped original passed from your grandfather to your father.
copies produced again and again
withdraw your entry, go to get your stamped original back
The apparel industry just copies originals to cover our body parts.
"Flowers decorate a stamped wedding invitation like being invited to a holiday party." (Wedding Planner)
box of stamped originals