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廿 + 十shí
twenty + ten
Character Notes

30 years is a generation

Character Comparison

pause [n./v.]
屯tún + 页
stockpile + page/head
Character Notes

stockpile makes you pause to turn your head during the tour OR The dentist's ghost carries a victim’s head back to his haunt and pauses at his stockpile to grab a new hook.

Character Comparison

wild [adj.]
里 + 予yǔ
computer + fishing spear
Character Notes

This character represents your transformation into the wild. You gave up your computer and embraced a fishing spear.

Character Comparison

repair [v.]
亻 + 丨 + 彡
persona + stick + bird tail
Character Notes

your persona with a cane out with the men in the park getting his bird cage repaired

Character Comparison

亻 + 昔
persona + times past
Character Notes

Is your persona someone you could count on in times past for borrowing/loaning?

Character Comparison

month, *body part/moon
Character Notes

body part when on the left, moon when on the right

as a component: “月字旁”

derivative: 夕 *evening

Character Comparison

supplement [v.]
车 + 甫fǔ
vehicle + injection
Character Notes

fuel injected engine gives the vehicle a boost

Character Comparison

豆dòu + 辶
beans + road
Character Notes

Tease with Beans: Road trips can get long. This child passes the time teasing her sleeping sibling by putting beans in his ears.

Character Comparison

jiǎ or jià
fake or vacation
亻 + 叚jiǎ
persona + copycat
Character Notes

picture your persona buying fakes on vacation

Character Comparison

牙yá + 鸟
tooth + bird
Character Notes

Your terror is heightened by the decor in the dental office. This dentist seems obsessed with creepy birds. There is a raven mounted in the corner with a tooth impaled on his beak, like the bird was the one who removed it.

Character Comparison

chance upon
夆féng + 辶
briars + road
Character Notes

walking through the briars off the road and chance upon Rapunzel

Character Comparison

elder brother, *teenager
口 + 儿
mouth + human legs
Character Notes

A mouth with human legs is a teenager.

Character Comparison
哥gē older brother

品 + 木
3 mouths + tree
Character Notes

3 mouths chirping in a tree

Character Comparison

brim over
氵 + 益yì
water + benefit
Character Notes

The water is brimming over the sparkling dish of benefits. "My cup runneth over." Psalm 23:5

Character Comparison

立 + 朩
stand up + pole
Character Notes

picture a quirky relative standing on a pole

Character Comparison

fourth, *nail
Character Notes

sideways digital 4

Character Comparison
钉dīng nail

toil [v.]
奴nú + 力
slave + muscle
Character Notes

slaves toil with their muscles

Character Comparison

robe [n.]
衤 + 包bāo
clothing + wrap
Character Notes

A robe is something you wrap around you.

Character Comparison

keyboard keys
钅 + 建jiàn
metal + build
Character Notes

old fashioned metal keyboard: keys built to last

Character Comparison
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